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TOTO G450 vs Neorest: What's the Difference?

TOTO G450 vs Neorest: What's the Difference?

So you’re looking for a smart bidet toilet from TOTO and you’re not sure which one to choose? We don’t blame you. There are a lot of options and important things to consider!

toto neorest toilets lined up by water

Here at Premier Bidets, our mission is to make this decision making process as painless and enjoyable as possible. 

If you’re in the market for an integrated bidet toilet, you either have the choice of a few different TOTO Neorest Bidet Toilets a TOTO Washlet G450 Bidet Toilet, or the brand new TOTO Washlet G5A

The TOTO G5A is the newly upgraded version of the TOTO G450. For information about the differences between the new TOTO G5A and a Neorest, you can find that here.

For more info about the differences between the TOTO Washlet G450 and TOTO G5A, click here

TOTO Washlet G450 Dual Flush bidet toilet side view

So what’s the difference between the TOTO G450 and a TOTO Neorest?

We’ll answer that question and more with our guide to the TOTO G450 vs Neorest. 

TOTO Neorest vs TOTO G450

The main areas of difference between the TOTO Washlet G450 and a Neorest are the following:

  • Features
  • Design
  • Warranty
  • Price

Here’s a feature comparison chart for the TOTO G450 vs TOTO Neorest:

Feature TOTO G450 Neorest
Auto open/close lid
Heated seat
Instant warm water
Warm Air Dryer
Wide front wash
Pulsating wash
Oscillating wash
Seamless seat
ADA compliant
3 year warranty


As you can see from the chart above, the main feature differences between a Neorest and the TOTO G450 Washlet are:

  • Pulsating cleans 
  • Wide front wash
  • Night-light

We’ll check out all the TOTO Neorest specs and TOTO G450 specs and go into more detail on each of these feature differences below. 


For those of you that don’t know, EWATER is electrolyzed water that serves as a powerful natural cleaning agent. 

The lower PH of the electrolyzed EWATER+ is more acidic and naturally cleans the bidet wand and bowl automatically before and after each use. 

toto ewater explained

This is one of the major feature differences between the TOTO Washlet G450 and a Neorest bidet toilet. 

For some reason, TOTO decided not to include this coveted feature on the Washlet G450, even though other popular TOTO Washlets like the TOTO S7A and TOTO S550e both have this feature. 

All TOTO Neorests like the Neorest RS, Neorest AS, Neorest LS and Neorest NX1 all have EWATER rinsing on the bidet wand and toilet bowl. 

The Neorest RS is the only one of those Neorest models that does not also have additional EWATER+ rinsing underneath the toilet seat as well. 

TOTO Integrated Bidet Toilet TOTO Neorest RS Dual Flush Bidet Toilet

For a more detailed comparison the differences between the Neorest RS and the Neorest AS, click here

For a detailed breakdown of all of the feature differences between Neorest models, check out our TOTO Neorest comparison chart.

Pulsating Cleanse

Another feature difference is the lack of pulsating wash on the TOTO G450 toilet. While maybe not an absolutely necessary feature for some, having this massage feature is quite nice to have. 

For those suffering from any bum related dilemmas like hemorrhoids, anal fissures or woman recovering from pregnancy, a soothing pulsating massage wash can be a coveted feature.

Wide Front Wash

While we’re talking about woman and bidets, it’s worth mentioning that the TOTO G450 Washlet also lacks the wide front wash mode of TOTO Neorest toilets. 

Most front wash modes on bidet seats is honestly lacking. Most woman we talk to don’t even bother using this feature on most bidet seats.

TOTO Integrated Bidet Toilet TOTO Washlet G450 Dual Flush Integrated Bidet Toilet

Having a wide front wash mode makes having the front wash feature worth having in the first place.

For more info on some of our top bidet choices for women, click here.     


The last main feature difference between the TOTO Washlet G450 and a Neorest is that the TOTO G450 does not have a night-light.

A night-light is handy to have for just about everyone and essential for others. Once you have one illuminating your toilet bowl, it becomes hard to live without. 

toto neorest with night light

Most TOTO Washlets and all TOTO Neorest toilets have this basic feature. 

It’s perplexing why TOTO would leave this convenient feature off an expensive model like the Washlet G450.  

Design Differences 

The TOTO G450 looks very similar to any of the older Neorest models that were recently discontinued like the TOTO Neorest AH or Neorest RH

TOTO Integrated Bidet Toilet TOTO Neorest AH Dual Flush Integrated Bidet Toilet

One thing separating the TOTO G450 from some of the newer Neorest models is the lack of a seamless seat.

When TOTO rolled out the new Washlet S7A and newer Neorest models, a gap under the toilet seat that collected dirt and grime was eliminated, making the seat “seamless.”

The TOTO G450 does not have this updated seamless seat. 

There are also some differences in dimensions. While the seat width and length are basically identical, the seated height between the G450 Washlet and the newer Neorest toilets is different. 

toto washlet g450 dimensions
  • TOTO G450 seated height: 17.31”
  • TOTO Neorest RS: 17.69”
toto neorest rs dimensions

It should be noted that the Neorest LS seated height is also 17.31” (the same as the TOTO G450) so not all Neorest toilets have a higher seated height. 

The Neorest LS seat however, is 1” longer and 1” wider than the TOTO G450 and Neorest RS and Neorest AS.

TOTO Integrated Bidet Toilet TOTO Neorest LS Bidet Toilet

For an article comparing the differences between the Neorest RS and Neorest LS, click here

You can also check out the individual TOTO Neorest spec sheets for more details. As far as installation goes, both models have very similar requirements. 

If you have any questions about TOTO G450 installation, here’s the TOTO Washlet G450 Bidet Toilet manual.

Here's a general guide for Neorest installation requirements


Another major difference in deciding between TOTO Neorest vs TOTO G450 is the warranty coverage.

The TOTO Washlet G450 has a 1 year limited warranty while a Neorest has a 3 year limited warranty.   

Want to see the best bidet seat with the most comprehensive warranty? Click here.

TOTO G450 vs TOTO Neorest Price 

Because of all of the feature, design and warranty differences between the TOTO Washlet G450 and a TOTO Neorest toilet, it should come as no surprise that in some cases there is a substantial difference in price. 

TOTO Integrated Bidet Toilet TOTO Neorest NX2 Dual Flush Bidet Toilet - 1.0 & 0.8 GPF

For the most up to date TOTO Washlet G450 Bidet Toilet price, click here. For the most expensive Neorest Bidet toilet price we’re allowed to show online, click here

Neorest vs TOTO G450 Wrap-up

While at first glance, the TOTO Washlet G450 may appear to be the same as the Neorest bidet toilet, there are some fundamental differences.   

Here’s a quick wrap-up of some of the main differences. 

What does a Neorest have that the TOTO G450 does not? 

  • 3 year warranty
  • Seamless seat
  • Night-light
  • Wide Front (female) wash
  • Pulsating wash mode

If those were some features you don’t think you could live without, we would recommend looking into the Neorest RS

TOTO Neorest RS Bidet Toilet side view lifestyle image

If you’re going to spend the money on an integrated bidet toilet, you may as well get something that has all the bells and whistles.

To get the best deal on the TOTO G450 or any of the Neorest bidet toilets, be sure to email or give us a call! 


We’d love to help you find what you’re looking for.

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