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toto neorest vs toto washlet comparison side view

TOTO Neorest vs Washlet: Which One is Right For Me?

Are you in the market for a bidet seat or full bidet toilet and not sure which way to go? TOTO USA, being a leading name in bathroom luxury and one of the top toilet brands, offers various product categories to suit different needs. 

One key question to consider is: what’s the difference between TOTO’s Washlet and Neorest options?   

To understand these products, it helps to explain what a different bidet style might look like, and what makes these different bidets special in the first place.

toto washlet bidet toilet lifestyle image

We’ll compare these advanced TOTO toilets and bidet seats and provide all the information you need to understand the difference between a TOTO Neorest vs Washlet.  

TOTO Washlet vs Neorest: The Basics

A Washlet is TOTO’s proprietary term for electronic bidet seats. You would install these on traditional toilets for their advanced cleansing and comfort features. They offer instant warm-water wash, heated seats, adjustable water temperature and pressure, and even automatic deodorizing

toto s7a washlet Automatic Open/Close Lid

People love TOTO Washlets for their hygienic approach and eco-friendliness. After all, if you’re using them, you’re not going to go through so much toilet paper. 

But do you still need toilet paper with a TOTO Washlet? Most people still use a couple squares of toilet paper to dab themselves dry after using the built-in warm air dryer, but if you’re patient, you can dry yourself completely with this feature without using TP. 

A TOTO Neorest, on the other hand, is an integrated smart bidet toilet system. It includes a built-in Washlet with an advanced overall toilet design. 

toto neorest ls lifestyle image corner view

A Neorest is what you’ll get if you want something a little more luxurious and technologically advanced.

If you’re buying a bidet toilet from the ground up—not just adding a washlet on top of an existing toilet, this would be the most ideal option. 

Which one is best for you? To better understand that, we’ll have to dive deeper into their features, their design, and their prices.

What Kind of Bidet Should I Buy?

The first question to ask yourself is - do you have an existing toilet you want to upgrade with a bidet seat? Or are you looking to replace your entire toilet?

If it’s the former, the TOTO Washlet is going to be an easy upgrade on an existing toilet. You’ll get a lot of the same features from a Neorest without having to replace an entire appliance. And since you’re not replacing the entire thing, you should expect a commensurate advantage in price.

That is unless you’re considering a TOTO Washlet+ bidet toilet combo. These combine a traditional style TOTO toilet with a compatible Washlet for the full bidet toilet experience (for a lot less money).

toto washlet+ bidet toilet combo

So why would anyone choose the TOTO Neorest in that context? What is the TOTO Neorest? And what’s the difference between bidet and Washlet styles

Well, because if you opt for something like the Neorest LS, Neorest RS, or Neorest NX1, you’re going to get something more luxurious. They offer all sorts of features that are built right in. 

toto neorest nx1 side view

But let’s not compare them at a glance. Instead, let’s dive into what truly makes Neorests and Washlets different from the following main categories:

  • Features 
  • Design
  • Warranty
  • Price

  • Then we’ll explore what makes them similar—and what might end up being the clincher for your specific situation.

    Comparing Neorest and Washlet Features

    Generally speaking—and we have to speak generally when talking about entire product categories—you’re going to get more features out of a fully-functioning Neorest than a Washlet upgrade. 

    toto neorest as corner side view


    Unless you purchase the Washlet S7A (TOTO’s best Washlet), you’re not going to get all of the features found on a Neorest. 

    Let’s take for example the Washlet C2 or Washlet C5. Some features you won’t get with these that are native to a Neorest include:

    • An auto open/close lid 
    • Auto-flush functionality
    • The under-the-seat PREMIST 
    • Extensive EWATER rinsing
    • Night-light
    • Multiple wash modes
    • Four user presets
    • Unlimited warm water

    The point isn’t to compare a Neorest with the Washlet features, of course; it’s to note the kind of built-in features that you probably won’t get from a Washlet. 

    Even with the TOTO S7A, which has an automatic open/close lid and many other related features, you’ll need a separate auto-flush kit in order to achieve the auto-flush feature found on a Neorest. 

    Features Washlet+ C5 Washlet+ S7A Neorest
    Heated Seat
    Unlimited Warm Water
    Bulky Tank Water Heater
    Automatic Deodorizer
    Warm Air Dryer
    Auto Open/Close Lid
    3 Year Warranty
    ADA Compliant
    Night Light
    4 User Presets
    Adjustable Temperature
    Adjustable Pressure

    Native features like night lights, multiple wash modes, and user presets are going to be part of your TOTO Neorest experience from the beginning.  

    What features will you get from most TOTO Washlets? Some of the basics include:

    • Heated seats
    • Adjustable warm water
    • Automatic deodorizer
    • Warm air dryer

    By the way, if you’re wondering what is a handheld Washlet? It’s a portable electric bidet option that you can take on trips and never be without a truly clean bum again. Here’s a link to one if you want more info

    While the TOTO Washlet features are a major upgrade from your standard toilet, they’re not quite the luxury, hands-off experience that you get from a TOTO Neorest bidet toilet.

    So if you’re going to spring for a Washlet, you can expect it to be an upgrade from your existing toilet, giving you some of the bidet features you’re after. 

    toto washlet s7a with toto toilet

    But can a TOTO Washlet be installed on any toilet? Not necessarily; you will want to check on your toilet’s specs and our Bidet Buyer’s Guide before choosing one.

    Comparing TOTO Neorest and Washlet Design 

    Let’s compare the Washlet vs Neorest in terms of how they look. The TOTO Neorest designs are smooth, sleek, and ultra modern. 

    In fact, you may have trouble finding some of the seams at first glance. This gives the TOTO Neorest a minimalist, luxury appearance that, in the case of the Neorest NX2, might remind you of an egg. 

    toto neorest nx1 corner view

    The plumbing hose and supplying water valve are completely hidden on a Neorest because of how close it’s installed against the wall of your bathroom. You’ll notice TOTO Neorest toilets also don’t have a toilet tank and instead use a pump assisted flush.

    This design difference allows for a more streamlined, modern aesthetic and provides a more luxurious bathroom experience.  

    Washlets and Washlet+ combos, on the other hand, don’t allow as much design control. They’re at the mercy of the toilet upon which you’re affixing it. 

    Even a Washlet+ installed on a TOTO T40 toilet (which is designed to conceal the plumbing hose and electrical cord much more than a standard Washlet on a non-TOTO toilet) will still show some of these appendages. The Neorest houses all of this inside the unit, making it completely seamless.  

    That isn’t to say that Washlets are totally without design charm. Indeed, they’re just as smooth and sleek from the top as a luxury bidet might appear. 

    toto nexus washlet s7a two piece corner view

    However, if you pair the TOTO Washlet with a substandard toilet underneath it, you’re simply not going to get the same design appeal as if you purchase a TOTO Neorest. 

    There is some good news, though. If you have a Washlet that fits neatly with the toilet underneath, you can typically find it much easier to clean than you’d expect. TOTO Neorests however, are designed this way from the start, which makes them that much easier to clean. 

    Washlets are more hit-or-miss with the cleanliness since they’re at the mercy of the rest of the appliance. But if you find a good match with your Washlet and your toilet, you’re generally not going to have this issue.

    Seat Comfort

    Another thing to consider when comparing a Neorest vs Washlet is seat comfort. The design from the seat-on-up will look similar in both. They both offer smooth, luxurious finishes that will “class up” any bathroom you want to upgrade.

    The main difference here is that on a Washlet, all of the electrical components that allow the bidet seat to do what it does are stored in the seat itself. This can result in a less than comfortable sitting experience as you'll feel pushed forward by the bulky seat. 

    toto washlet c5 bidet toilet seat elongated right side view

    Neorest toilets and the more premium TOTO S7A Washlet on the other hand, feature a much sleeker seat as a result of the instant water heater and more even distribution of electrical and mechanical components. 

    toto washlet s7a bidet toilet seat sedona beige dimensions

    TOTO Warranty

    One other area of difference between these product categories from TOTO is warranty coverage. 

    All Neorest toilets come with a three year limited warranty whereas most Washlets like the TOTO C5 have a one year limited warranty.

    TOTO recently upgraded the Washlet S7A warranty to two years though, so at least with the higher end models you're getting closer to the extended warranty found on a Neorest bidet toilet.

    You do have the option to purchase additional full warranty coverage for all electric bidet products sold on our website. Just check right below the add to cart button.   

    TOTO Neorest vs Washlet Price

    Finally, it comes down to dollars and cents. Here’s where the TOTO Washlets truly shine: since they don’t include the whole appliance, you’re simply not going to spend as much money. 

    If all you want is a simple bidet experience—itself a nice upgrade in the luxuriousness of your bathroom—then the price is going to be far superior.

    The TOTO Neorest toilet price makes them great values, but you will expect to pay more for the enhanced features and sleek, modern design. In that way, the Washlet vs Neorest battle then comes down to preference. 

    Are you willing to pay more for a luxury experience, or are you looking for a more frugal shortcut that will give you some of the features—including the essential ones—but not all of them?

    Another great option to consider is the TOTO Washlet G5A, which recently replaced the TOTO G450

    toto washlet g5a smart bidet toilet side view lifestyle

    Though technically classified as a Washlet, the TOTO G5A is a full bidet toilet that’s more like a Neorest than not. It’s less expensive, but still has all the same features of the more luxurious Neorest product line.

    For more information about the differences between a Neorest and the TOTO G5A, you can find that here.   

    Similarities in TOTO Neorest Toilets and Washlets

    The features above hint at the similarities you’ll expect to see in these toilet options. 

    Both will give you access to the warm water of the bidet, which for many is what’s truly transformative about switching from a standard American toilet to a bidet. And added features like deodorizers are standard in both, which will help you keep the bathroom clean and fresh-smelling without any additional work.

    TOTO Bidet Toilet Combo TOTO Drake® Washlet®+ C5 Two-Piece-Toilet - 1.28 GPF - Universal Height

    If those are all the features you want, then the lower price of a Washlet is probably more your speed.

    But if you want the full luxury features and sleek, modern design of the TOTO Neorest, you won’t be able to get all of that with just a Washlet or Washlet+ combo. 

    Make the Right Call with Your TOTO Toilets

    If you ask us, there’s no going wrong with TOTO toilets. You may pull your hair out doing research—entering searches like “TOTO Neorest vs Washlet Reddit” to get a sense of what online commenters are saying—but it’s ultimately up to your preferences, your desires, and your budget. 

    We think if you make the right call using the information above, you’ll stand a good chance of enjoying your purchase—no matter what category it belongs to.

    If you’re looking for a more automatic, “luxury hotel” experience from your premium bidet, then you’re going to want to opt for a TOTO Neorest

    neorest ls side view far

    If all you’re looking for is adjustable warm water wash on a traditional-style toilet, then a Washlet or Washlet+ combo would be the way to go.

    For a handy TOTO Washlet comparison chart, click here. For an equally handy TOTO Neorest comparison chart, click here.

    Let us know in the comments if you have any other questions and we’ll get those answered for you. You can also always contact us here for anything else you might need

    Previous article The Best Japanese Bidets: Recommendations from My Japan Adventure
    Next article TOTO Washlet G5A vs Neorest RS: Which One is Better?


    Mohammed Amarad - November 13, 2024

    What are the dimensions of the toto washlet because I want to buy the toilet that it fits the same dimensions of the washlet? Thank you very much.

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