Commode Companion Standard Bidet Seat Compatibility
When it comes to selecting the right bidet seat for your toilet, understanding the size and shape compatibility is crucial. Toilet bowls come in two primary sizes:
Round-sized toilets typically measure 16.5 inches in total length, while elongated toilets are slightly larger at 18.5 inches.
If your toilet has a relatively flat bowl that meets the toilet tank at close to a 90-degree angle, the LandVessel Commode Companion Multifunctional Series Bidet Seat should fit seamlessly.
However, if your toilet features a curved tank that meets the bowl on a slope, often referred to as a "french curve" the Commode Companion Standard Bidet Seat unfortunately will not fit.
You will also want to measure the space in between the holes where you attach your toilet seat.
You'll want 5.5" of space between them.
Next, you'll want to measure the space between the toilet tank and mounting holes.
For the LandVessel Commode Companion LVL Bidet N1 Bidet Seat, you'll want at least 1.5" between the toilet tank and the bolts where you attach the seat.