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Bidet Buyer's Guide

Shopping for a new bidet for the first time can be daunting if you don't have all the right information. That's why it's our goal at Premier Bidets to make your purchase experience fun and empowering. We want you to be able to buy with confidence and know that you are making a positive change for yourself and the planet! 

So without further ado let's get into some of the basics of buying a bidet.

Bidet Product Options

For electric bidets (which is what we specialize in) you can choose either a:

integrated bidet toilet
  • bidet toilet combos which are traditional style toilets bundled with a compatible bidet toilet seat. 
    Bidet toilet combo

    If you're in the market for a new toilet and you also want a bidet, then an integrated bidet toilet or bidet toilet combo would be the way to go. These replace your existing toilet and act as a luxurious all-in-one unit. 

    Neorest Installation

    For information about Neorest installation requirements, click here

    Make sure you or a plumber look at the product specification sheet and verify your rough-in and other dimensions to make sure a TOTO Neorest will fit in your bathroom first, before ordering. 

    Bidet Seat Installation

    If you love your current toilet but want to add a bidet, then a bidet toilet seat would be your best option. Bidet toilet seats are the easiest option to install as they just require swapping your current toilet seat, adding an additional water line and plugging into electricity. 

    A compatible toilet, easily accessible water source and electrical outlet are some of the main things to consider when you're shopping for a bidet seat. 

    If you're looking for a bidet but don't have a practical option for electricity, our non-electric bidet attachments are what you're looking for. These fit underneath your current toilet seat. You simply remove your seat, attach the bidet, then re-attach your toilet seat and hook up your water source and you're done.  

    Bidet Seat Fit Guide

    Virtually all bidet toilet seats will fit with the standard one or two-piece toilet. If this is your type, then you just need to determine whether your toilet bowl is elongated or round

    Round-sized toilets are 16.5" in total length, while elongated are 18.5" in total length. All of the bidet seats we sell provide information about which kind of toilet bowl size they'll fit.  

    toilet bidet fit guide measurements

    For one-piece toilets your options are a bit more limited. Depending on the shape of your toilet, certain bidet seats may not fit. 

    If the bowl remains relatively flat and meets the toilet tank at close to a 90 degree angle, a bidet seat should be able to fit. If the tank is curved and meets the bowl on a slope known as a "french curve" then some of our bidet seats may not fit. 

    toilet with french curve

    The Cascade 3000 and Eco-NOVA will both fit one and two-piece toilets as well as some toilets with a french curve.

    If you have any questions, just give us a call at 707-297-3991 or send us a picture of your current toilet at and we'll help you out.

    Features and price

    Bidet seats and integrated bidet toilets vary in price based mainly on the available features.

    Let's separate the bidets we sell into categories by feature:

    Instant warm water spray, self cleaning and self sterilizing nozzles, deodorizing systems, heated seats, air drying and remote controls are just some of the soothing features you'll have at your fingertips.

    Some bidets have hot water line attachments that heat up as they're used while others have their own integrated water heating units providing instantaneous hot water spray. 

    Picking the right bidet might come down to deciding how much you're willing to pay to have some or all of those kinds of features. Electric bidet seats start at around $200. 

    The most expensive bidet toilet we sell is upwards of $20,000, so there's a bit of price difference in-between.

    TOTO Washlet+ Combos

    toto washlet plus combo lifestyle image

    With the TOTO Washlet+ system, you get a T40 toilet specifically designed to work seamlessly with TOTO Washlet+ bidet seats. These toilets are engineered to provide a clean, streamlined look by neatly concealing the bidet seat's water hose and power cord within a specially designed channel at the back of the toilet.

    How to Identify a TOTO T40 Toilet

    If you're new to TOTO products, identifying a T40 toilet is straightforward. The key is in the model number:

    1. Look for "T40" in the Washlet and Toilet Model Number: If you’re purchasing a Washlet (the bidet seat) separately, check the SKU (stock-keeping unit). Washlets compatible with T40 toilets will explicitly include "T40" in their model numbers. For example, a Washlet model may read SW4736AT40#01 or similar, indicating it’s designed for T40 toilets. A toilet that is "Washlet ready" will have an extra hole to conceal the plumbing hose and electrical cord for a seamless installation. Look for T40 in the toilet model number if purchasing separately.  

    2. Washlet+ Toilets Have Built-in Compatibility: If you’re buying a TOTO Washlet+ combo (toilet and Washlet together), the toilet is already guaranteed to be a T40 model. These units include a hidden channel at the rear of the toilet to route the connections invisibly.

    3. Verify the Model Number Components: TOTO model numbers follow a specific format:

      • "MW" Prefix: Indicates a Washlet+ unit with seamless compatibility and hidden connections.
      • Style Code: This identifies the toilet design (e.g., Drake or Carlyle).
      • "T40": Confirms compatibility with the Washlet+ system.

    By understanding these identifiers, you can confidently select the right T40 toilet for your needs, ensuring both function and a tidy aesthetic in your bathroom.

    Top picks for bidet seats

    1. Eco-Nova
    2. Cascade 3000
    3. TOTO S7A 
    4. Ultra-NOVA 

    Eco-Nova Bidet Seat

    eco nova bidet seat

    • 2 year full warranty
    • Instant/unlimited warm water
    • Warm air dryer
    • 30 day risk free trial 

    Cascade 3000 Bidet Seat

    cascade 3000 bidet seat with remotes

    cascade 3000 remote control highlights

    • 4 year full warranty
    • Large ADA compliant remote control
    • Instant/unlimited warm water
    • Warm air dryer
    • Automatic deodorizer
    • 60 day risk free trial 

    TOTO Washlet S7A 

    toto washlet s7a
    • 2 year full warranty (with options for extended warranties)
    • Automatic open/close lid
    • Instant/unlimited warm water
    • Warm air dryer
    • Automatic deodorizer 
    • Auto-flush compatible 

    Ultra-NOVA Bidet Seat

    ultra-nova bidet seat


    • 3 year extended warranty
    • Sittable lid
    • Enema Wash mode
    • 60 day risk free trial
    • Auto open/close lid
    • Auto-flush compatible 

    Top picks for Integrated Bidet Toilets

    1. TOTO G5A
    2. TOTO Neorest RS
    3. TOTO Neorest LS

    TOTO G5A Bidet Toilet

    toto washlet g5a smart bidet toilet corner view lifestyle



    • Auto flush
    • Auto open/close lid
    • ADA compliant
    • Built-in air purifying system
    • Heated seat with temperature control
    • Affordable TOTO bidet toilet option

    TOTO Neorest RS 


    toto neorest rs



    • Auto flush
    • Auto open/close lid
    • ADA compliant
    • Built-in air purifying system
    • Heated seat with temperature control
    • Additional self-cleaning features 
    • Sleek stylish design

    TOTO Neorest LS



    • Auto flush
    • Auto open/close lid
    • ADA compliant
    • Built-in air purifying system
    • Heated seat with temperature control
    • Sleek stylish design
    • Additional self-cleaning features 
    • 3 trim color options

      Top Bidet toilet Combo Picks

      1. TOTO Aquia IV Washlet + S7A (One or two piece)
      2. TOTO Drake II Washlet + S7A (One or two piece)
      3. TOTO Nexus Washlet + S7A (One or two piece)  

      TOTO Aquia IV Washlet + S7A 

      toto aquia iv washlet + s7a

      TOTO Drake II Washlet + S7A 

      toto drake ii washlet + s7a

      TOTO Nexus Washlet + S7A

      toto nexus washlet + s7a

        Whether you're in the market for a bidet seat, an entire "smart" bidet toilet, or a bidet seat and toilet combo, we've got what you need to get the ultimate clean!