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How to use a bidet as a woman

How to Use a Bidet as a Woman

So, you're interested in bidets as a woman. That's great!

How to use a bidet as a woman is just as easy and soothing as it is for a man, with twice the refreshing fun.

We all can imagine how a little spritz of water helps clean things up in the rear, but if you're a woman, you might be a little bit intimidated about how to use a bidet front wash feature. After all, it is a little bit different than just using toilet paper. 

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We'll show you why bidet use is great for all genders and dispel some common misconceptions around hygiene concerns. 

Choosing the Right Bidet for Women

Bidets are becoming a more common sight in American bathrooms, and for good reason. They offer a great way to improve your hygiene, skin health, and comfort.

And while there are some extra features to consider, how a female uses a bidet is not all that different from how to use a bidet as a man. 

Bidets can be used for both feminine hygiene and after bowel movements. They remove twice as much bacteria than toilet paper alone while also helping clean up: 

  • If you have chronic conditions, like Crohn's Disease and IBS
  • After surgery, when bending and turning can affect recovery
  • Postpartum, when wiping can be painful or even harmful
  • To prevent urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Before and after sex
  • During your period

However, there are many different types of bidets available on the market. If you're a woman, you'll want to choose a bidet that also has a front wash feature. Afterall, you don’t want to spray back-to-front, which could lead to getting dirty water in a delicate area. 

toto s7a remote control bidet front wash for woman

You'll also need to decide whether you want an integrated bidet toilet, a bidet toilet seat, or a bidet toilet combination. Integrated bidets and combos are more expensive because you're getting an entire toilet, but they offer more features and flexibility. Bidet seats and attachments are less expensive, but you’ll need a compatible toilet.

For a list of our top bidet recommendations specifically for women, you can read our article about that here. 

How Does a Bidet Work As a Woman? 

We’ve outlined what kind of bidet you need and why you may want one, but how do you actually use it? 

All in all, how to use a bidet as a woman is not all that different from how to use a bidet as a man. There are just a few basic things to master then you’ll be on your way to feeling fresh and clean every time you go! 

Once you've chosen your bidet, you need to get comfortable using it. You’ll want to position yourself correctly to maximize the water’s reach and learn what sort of pressure and temperature works for you. Many bidet seats have adjustable spray nozzles so you can find the right spot easily. 

How Do You Use a Bidet After Peeing?

Step 1: Sit on the bidet and adjust yourself so that the water jet is aimed at your genital area. Many bidets come with adjustable nozzle positions, so it’s easy to get the spray just right. 

It might take a few tries to get the positioning right where you want it. But once you do, you'll be able to clean yourself with water, just like you would with toilet paper.

Step 2:  Adjust the water temperature and pressure. You'll want to start with the water on the lowest setting and gradually increase the pressure as needed.

Some bidets like the TOTO Washlet S7A have programmable user presets. Once you can get this dialed in, your settings will be customized just for you. 

toto s7a washlet

Step 3: Once you've adjusted the water temperature and pressure, it's time to start rinsing. Allow the water to flow over your genital area for a few seconds. Use your hand to gently maneuver the labia so that the water can reach all areas.

Step 4: Once you're done rinsing, you’ll need to dry yourself. You can use toilet paper or a clean towel to pat dry (or simply let things air out).

Our favorite bidets have built-in warm air dryers that essentially eliminate the need to use any toilet paper at all! 

Seems simple enough, right? 

How Do You Use a Bidet After Pooping?

Maybe bidet use for peeing makes sense but you’re still wondering, how do you use a bidet after pooping?

Just follow the same steps above. You’ll adjust either your position or the nozzle’s position to spray to your rear instead.

Once you try cleaning up with water instead of dry toilet paper, you’ll see why we’re spreading the good word about bidets.

Once you go bidet, you’ll never go back. 

Benefits of Using a Bidet for Women

We here at Premier Bidets are obviously very much in the pro-bidet camp, but it’s not just our opinion that matters. Health experts agree that bidet use is beneficial.

Here are some of the top benefits of using a bidet for women:

  • Better hygiene. Bidets can help to remove more fecal matter and bacteria than toilet paper alone. This can help to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs), yeast infections, and other infections.
  • Improved skin health. Bidets can help to keep the genital area clean and free of irritation. This is especially important for women who are prone to skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis.
  • More comfort. Bidets help to remove any residual waste from the genital area, which can be a source of irritation. Plus a nice spray of water can feel refreshing!
  • A more sanitary experience. Contrary to popular belief, bidets do not spread germs—they actually help reduce contamination when cleaned properly. This is because water is a more effective way to remove bacteria than toilet paper. Plus there’s less contact with dirty areas while wiping. 

Of course we’d like to present a balanced view on bidets. There can be a few drawbacks, though we believe the benefits outweigh those minor inconveniences. 

Here are some bidet disadvantages:

  • It may take some time getting used to using a bidet. 
  • Bidets can initially be expensive (but save you money in the long run on toilet paper).
  • Bidets may require more cleaning and maintenance than regular toilets, such as cleaning the nozzle and where the bidet seat connects to the toilet.

Are Bidets Sanitary for Females?

Some people still ask, can using a bidet cause an infection? Are bidets safe for females?

Much of these doubts about bidets stem from incorrect use and in some cases, inconclusive studies. In fact, bidets are widely regarded in the medical community as hygienic and safe when used correctly.  

One study found that women who regularly use a bidet had decreased amounts of beneficial vaginal microflora and increased amounts of fecal bacteria compared to women who do not use bidets.

However, there has been no further research to see if these results are the same in other, larger samples of women. Also, this was specifically seen in warm water bidets users.

If you want to be very cautious, you could simply use non-electric bidets or cool water when washing in the front. 

And as we mentioned before, one of the most important parts of using a bidet as a woman is to position yourself correctly and make sure you’re using a front wash feature.

This prevents you from accidentally spraying dirty water from behind into your vagina. 

It is also important to regularly clean bidet nozzles so they stay sanitary. Keeping your bidet clean keeps the risk of infection down for everyone. 

The Wrap Up

Hopefully we’ve been able to answer are bidets good for women with a resounding yes!

Though we mentioned a few things to consider when making the switch, we still wholeheartedly believe that the benefits are far greater than the downsides.

If you’re looking to get started, there's no better time than now.

Let us know in the comments what you think about how to use a bidet as a woman and we'll be sure to respond.

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viviana - July 7, 2024

Saying that bidet use decreased beneficial bacteria in women is totally wrong. I have been using a bidet since I was 17 years old, back in my native country Argentina. I have never had a single problem with my intestinal flora.

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