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TOTO Neorest RS vs NX1: Which One is Better For You?

TOTO Neorest RS vs NX1: Which One is Better For You?

Are you looking for a top-of-the-line bidet toilet combo from TOTO? You'll find that there are a lot of options.

Today, we'll focus on two of the most popular models and help you decide which one is better for your current project.

So without further ado, let's get into our comparison of the TOTO Neorest RS vs NX1.

TOTO Neorest RS vs NX1: The Key Differences

From the outside looking in, the Neorest RS and Neorest NX1 might not look very different. In fact, these dual-flush bidet toilets really do have a lot in common.

toto neorest nx1 side view

Browse either TOTO Neorest manual and you’ll find they share features like gallons per flush, automatic deodorizer, and more.

But there are key aesthetic and pricing differences that could be the deciding factor. Here are the three main areas of difference that we've honed in on:

  1. Seat area 
  2. Design 
  3. Price 

The key for determining which dual flush bidet toilet works best for you? Identify the characteristics most important to you and see which comes out on top.

Seat Area

Once you sit down, you’ll feel the difference almost instantly.

The Neorest RS comes up more than a bit short in width here, which may help explain some key differences later—like price.

toto neorest rs rear view lifestyle

Meanwhile, the TOTO Neorest NX1 dimensions offer the most seat area of any Neorest model.

That’s going to give you significantly more comfort—though that isn’t to say the Neorest RS is an uncomfortable toilet to sit on. It will depend on your seating area requirements though.

neorest nx1 seat area lid open

Here’s how the two models compare in total width by the TOTO Neorest specs:

  • Neorest RS: 15.19" total seat width
  • Neorest NX1: 18.44" total seat width

The spec sheets also reveal a difference in length. From the finished wall to the tip of the whole unit: 

  • Neorest RS: 27.25" long
  • Neorest NX1: 31.5" long

Score one for the Neorest NX1 when it comes to size.

The TOTO NX1 has the most seat space of all the Neorest models. It also has additional underseat EWATER rinsing that the Neorest RS doesn't have.

TOTO Neorest Design

From afar, the two dual flush bidets look strikingly similar. Each of these TOTO Neorest toilets features sleek, minimalist-chic bowls.

toto neorest rs corner view lifestyle

But a closer inspection will reveal some differences.

The TOTO Neorest RS, for example, has a lid with a hinge that means the bowl doesn’t open up completely. Meanwhile, the Neorest NX1 has a top that opens up the whole way, which maximizes space and can even sit sheer against the wall. 

The result is that the Neorest NX1 has a more consistent, sleek appearance. Additionally, the Neorest NX1 “leans” forward at an angle which provides more support, while the Neorest RS sits more horizontally. 

toto neorest nx1 side view open lid

It’s a subtle difference, but this gives the TOTO RS more of a utilitarian feel. From a purely aesthetic point of view, we’d have to say the Neorest NX1 clearly comes out on top.

Remote control

There is also a difference when it comes to the Neorest remote control for these two units.

toto neorest rs remote control

The TOTO RS has a high quality plastic remote, while the Neorest NX1 remote control is stainless steel.

neorest nx1 remote control

When you’re paying a lot of money for a TOTO bidet toilet, it’s nice to have every aspect of your purchase drenched in luxury. The remote control for the TOTO NX1 (which you’ll also use every day) definitely feels more luxurious in your hand.

While we’re talking about price, let’s discuss that in a bit more detail as well.

TOTO Neorest Price: What’s the difference?

At several thousand dollars less, the Neorest RS is the bargain of the two, while the TOTO Neorest NX1 price makes it among the high end TOTO toilets. 

toto neorest nx1 side view

Why the stark difference in price?

The extra seat space that the Neorest NX1 has, a best-in-category feature, is nothing to sniff at. The additional sittable area is something you’ll enjoy every time you use it. 

More seat space means more stability as you sit. It also means a more comfortable experience, which adds up over time.

toto nx1 lid open front view

The design and aesthetics of the Neorest NX1 also give it an edge. But when it comes to pure features, the Neorest RS holds up surprisingly well. 

The battle between the TOTO Neorest RS vs NX1 ultimately comes down to preference. 

Do you want to spend more for additional comfort and seat room—not to mention the aesthetic bonuses of the TOTO NX1? Or are you willing to go with the value play and get a high-quality dual-flush bidet in the TOTO Neorest RS?

TOTO Integrated Bidet Toilet TOTO Neorest RS Dual Flush Bidet Toilet

Similarities Between the TOTO Neorest NX1 vs RS

Since they’re both dual flush bidet toilets, there are bound to be plenty of similarities between the TOTO Neorest RS and the NX1. 

Here's a handy Neorest comparison chart so you can easily evaluate all of the similarities and differences between the two:

Features Neorest RS Neorest NX1
MS8341CUMFG#01 MS902CUMFG#01
Instant, unlimited warm water
Heated Seat
Night Light
Auto open/close lid
Three Year Warranty
Warm air dryer
Plastic remote
Stainless remote
ADA Compliant
4 User presets
EWATER rinse under seat
Cefiontect glaze
Most seat area of any Neorest
12" Rough-in
Tornado Flush

The question is: are these similarities enough to make you opt for the lower-cost Neorest RS, or are you willing to upgrade to the TOTO NX1?

Let’s look at a few key variables that you might want to consider:

  • Water use: Both use approximately the same amount of water at one gallon per flush, as well as employ the signature “Tornado” flush you’d expect from TOTO.
  • Water surface: Despite the larger seat of the TOTO NX1, the water surface is the same for each: 8 ½” by 7 ½”.
  • Warranty: Both offer three year limited warranties for residential use, so if warranty is your main priority, the TOTO Neorest RS is probably your bargain.
  • Power cord: Both have a 3.9-foot power cord. Although that’s a key similarity, the aesthetic design of the Neorest NX1 will probably give you more opportunities to fit the toilet against a wall for a minimalist design to your bathroom.
  • Premist: Both of these bidet toilets use premist to wet the bowl before use, which helps keep things running smoothly and cleanly.
  • Heated seats: Both toilet options offer heated seats. But if comfort is your priority, the heated seat is one feature—and the size of the seat is a different feature entirely, which is where the Neorest NX1 really shines.
  • Installation: For each of the products here, you’ll need at least a 12" rough-in for a successful TOTO Neorest installation.
  • Automatic air deodorizer: Both options feature automatic air deodorizers, which means you can be hands-off while keeping your bathroom smelling fresh and clean. Both options are great for bathrooms where you’ll have houseguests for that reason—although if aesthetic design is key to impressing your houseguests, you might want to go with the Neorest NX1.
  • Memory settings: Both toilets have memory settings that customize the toilet experience for up to four users. 
  • Warm air dryer: Warm air dryers are present with both toilets, and they also both happen to include five variable temperature settings—so there won’t be any difference there.

In short, we’ve pointed out some key differences between the TOTO Neorest RS and the TOTO NX1. 

toto neorest rs side view

However, the amount of similarities means that the Neorest RS is a clear value option if you don’t have the budget for the larger-seated Neorest NX1.

TOTO Neorest Review: What Are Our Conclusions? 

It’s pretty easy to define why these dual flush bidet toilets are so unique.

There’s no denying the Neorest NX1 has the larger seat and the more seamless aesthetic design. It’s a “show-off” bowl. It would be great for guest bathrooms where you want to put your best foot forward.

toto neorest nx1 rear side view

But the lower price of the TOTO Neorest RS is also hard to resist, especially considering how many features it offers that correspond exactly to what you’ll find from the Neorest NX1. 

From an automatic open/close lid to instant, unlimited warm water, the Neorest RS packs enough functionality into its lower-budget price that you should feel completely comfortable making it your “value” purchase.

toto neorest rs corner view

What’s it come down to? In a word, preference.

But if you really want to explore the nitty-gritty details about what makes these TOTO Neorest bidets tick, you can always email us at and let us know if there’s anything else we can help you out with. 

You can also check out our handy TOTO Neorest comparison chart

Let us know in the comments which one of these TOTO Neorest toilets you’re leaning towards 

Until next time, stay fresh.

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