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The New Auto-Flush Kit For Compatible TOTO Toilets
The TOTO Auto Flush Kit is an easy to install upgrade for compatible WASHLET+ T40 toilets. This model is designed to work with single flush 1 GPF WASHLET+ toilets only.
When paired with the corresponding WASHLET+ toilet and Auto-Flush compatible WASHLET, the Auto-Flush kit provides a hands-free automatic flush after every use. No need to touch buttons or handles, and never worry about someone forgetting to flush.
- This is the new auto-flush kit for the Washlet S7A and S7 bidet seats.
- This kit is only compatible with single flush 1 GPF Washlet+ (T40) TOTO toilets.
- Not compatible with TOTO S550e or S500e Washlets.
- Not compatible with round S7A models (SW4735#01)